
Clay hunting nootka island tatchu
Clay hunting nootka island tatchu

clay hunting nootka island tatchu

Participants should know that they will be comfortable and able to kayak for 3 to 5 hours each day, ready for wind and swell, and prepared to be camping in a range of coastal weather.

clay hunting nootka island tatchu

This kayaking expedition can reach as far south as Tatchu Point on a day trip from a satellite camp near Kapoose Creek or elsewhere along the Rugged Point Provincial Marine Park beaches.ĭesigned for "experienced paddlers" and campers who have done a reasonable amount of paddling and camping in a range of conditions, this kayaking expedition complements our Bunsby Islands and Brooks Peninsula Expeditions. The rugged natural features provide ample opportunity to get into a paddling rhythm riding the dominant southwesterly swell, or to examine the minutia while wandering secluded beaches and fossil-strewn outcrops. This inspiring marine-scape and kayaking tour is on the wild west coast of British Columbia through an exceptionally rich marine environment. The Rugged Point area is a favourite with west coast kayakers. Overview These trips begin and end from your accommodation in Comox/Courtenay or Campbell River, include van transportation, a scenic boat ride to our Wilderness Retreat Base Camp, and the perfect mix of personal and group time once on the west coast. Seasoned paddlers return year after year to have three kilometres of beach to themselves and the Vancouver Island wildlife. Book Now You'll traverse exposed waters southwest from Spring Island through the outer realm of the Ka:'yu:'k't'h' (Kyuquot) people, meandering through rocky islet and island clusters and paralleling surf-kissed beaches and fossil-strewn rock shelves.

Clay hunting nootka island tatchu